Tuesday, November 11, 2014


It's all started last March 15, 2014. Sunday, we are doing some decoration for the beautification of our store, actually we are painting the floor of the store with green rubberized paint. With me is my nephew John John. At 10:00 am I told John to buy some snacks. he bought "sinapot" (fried banana) and  softdrink. After an hour from snack time, i suddenly felt dizziness, then automatically my heart beat has gone fast, palpitations, my muscles trembled, i had chest pain and difficulty in breathing. So, I hurriedly went home and left our unfinished task. In our home, I took a rest and calm myself. After a while I felt better. My wife told me that, maybe it was just an effect of "lipas gutom" or due to hangover. So we resumed on what we were doing that time. But after a few minutes I again felt the same feeling , so i decided to totally quit on the task that day. I thought that after this day and a good night sleep I'll be fine tomorrow.

March 16, 2014. I woke up at around 6 in the morning to prepare for work because it's Monday when suddenly I felt the same feelings as of yesterday. I manage to took a bath but it was during breakfast where I felt intense palpitations. I started to panic. Together with my wife, we hurriedly went to a doctor in the town. We went first to Dr. Bascuña but it's too early, the doctor was not yet around. Trembles, palpitations, chest pain and panic continues so I decided to went to another doctor. This time we went to Dr. Reyes. After all the test and diagnoses, Dr. Reyes told me that I had high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high BP, and there was abnormalities on my ECG and gave me medications for each findings. She gave me 7 different kinds of medication for different kinds of findings which includes BPeptide, Angimax, Metformin, and others. She instructed me to take these medicine for a week then come back for any development. So, after learning those finding, my mind was already set up that I am sick. I need maintenance medicine. I can not sleep at night because my mind is now full of "what if's".


After learning the findings I always feel bad, I always think that something will happen to me. I limit my movements, I do not do what I always used to do. I change my diet drastically. I avoided meats, eggs and anything that are high in cholesterol. I do not do exercise for I think this will cause palpitations and cause heart attack. After a cautious week, I was already in the store, I felt the same symptoms again just like the first time (palpitations, tremors, fainting, nausea, etc) but this time I have difficulty in breathing and experienced severe chest pain.

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